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谁说 AI 没有创造力?不存在博物馆 - ChatGPT * 画宇宙 AI 绘画梦幻联动 - AI绘画每日一帖

发布时间:2023-01-09 19:39浏览量:38058

本文尝试让 ChatGPT AI 发挥想象力,生成画宇宙 AI 绘画所需的描述词;玩到最后会发现,是否有创造力的评价标准掌握在人类手上:我需要经常调整我与 ChatGPT 的提问方式,以避免它回答套话或者不够有想象力的内容,同时需要在画宇宙上做大量尝试以得到完美契合描述词的图片结果。

AI 在创造力方面一直被认为是比人类更为弱小。但是,近年来,随着人工智能技术的飞速发展,AI 也在逐渐展现出它独特的创造力。最近有一款名为 ChatGPT 的聊天机器人惊艳问世,它能够使用自然语言进行交流,并通过学习大量的文本数据来表达自己的思想。与此同时,有一款名为画宇宙 AI 绘画的网站,它能够通过人工智能算法来自动创作出惊人的画作。当 AI 文本生成和 AI 图片生成进行结合,会激发出怎样的梦幻联动呢?下面是我与 ChatGPT 和 画宇宙 的创作历程 ~

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a small, fluffy animal that has the body of a hamster and the face of a panda. The animal has soft, white fur with black patches around its eyes, ears, and arms, just like a panda. It has small, round ears and a short, bushy tail. The animal is playful and curious, and it loves to eat bamboo shoots and other vegetables. It is called a "panda hamster."

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还挺萌的 哈哈,再来一组吧



a large, fierce animal that has the body of a lion and the head of a crocodile. The animal has a thick, armored skin that is dark green in color and covered in small, jagged scales. It has powerful, muscular legs and a long, muscular tail. The animal has a large, sharp beak and rows of sharp teeth, which it uses to catch and kill its prey. It is called a "crocodile lion."

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Q:想象一种地球上不存在的、鸡 🐔 和香蕉 🍌 结合的生物,写成提示语的格式


an animal that is the size of a chicken and has the body of a chicken, but the head of a banana. The animal has bright yellow feathers and a long, curved beak that is the same color as a banana. Its eyes are small and black, and it has small, stubby wings. The animal is playful and curious, and it loves to peck at the ground and scratch at the dirt. It is called a "chicken-banana" and it lives in warm, tropical environments.

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a fruit that is spherical in shape and has a smooth, waxy texture. Its skin is a vibrant purple color, and it has a small stem at the top that is the same color as the skin. When you cut the fruit open, the inside is filled with small, edible seeds that are arranged in a circular pattern. The fruit is juicy and has a sweet, tropical flavor. It is called a "purple orb fruit."

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a fruit that is the size of a watermelon and has a combination of the textures of a banana and a peach. The fruit has a thin, green peel that is slightly bumpy like a watermelon, but also has a soft, velvety texture like a banana. When you cut open the fruit, the inside is a mixture of the pink and red colors of a watermelon and the yellow and white colors of a banana and a peach. The fruit has the sweet, juicy flavor of a watermelon and the tropical, tangy flavor of a banana and a peach. It is called a "watermelon-banana-peach fruit."

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这回 AI 被难住了,确实 AI 绘画处理不好多个物体的生成




an object that people use every day to transport themselves from one place to another. The object is a small, spherical pod that can fit one person inside. The pod has a clear, spherical shell that allows the person inside to see out in all directions. It has a smooth, glass-like surface and is lightweight and easy to carry. The pod is powered by advanced technology that allows it to hover and move in any direction. It is called a "personal transportation pod" and it is used by people to quickly and easily travel short distances.

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a new type of bike that is equipped with advanced technology that allows it to navigate through space. The bike has a sleek, aerodynamic design and is made of lightweight, durable materials. It has two wheels and a sturdy frame, and it is powered by a small, advanced propulsion system that allows it to move through the vacuum of space. The bike also has a built-in astronavigation system that allows the rider to easily navigate to different planets and celestial bodies. It is called a "space bike" and it is used by astronauts and other space travelers to explore the universe.

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Q:想象一种地球上不存在的、人们 100 年后会用的物品,写成提示语的格式

人们将在未来 100 年使用的对象。该物体是一种小型手持设备,能够将全息界面投射到空中。该设备时尚紧凑,由轻巧耐用的高级材料制成。全息界面允许用户访问范围广泛的信息和应用程序,并通过简单的手势进行控制。该设备被称为“全息助手”,人们在日常生活中使用它来保持联系、知情和高效。

an object that people will use 100 years in the future. The object is a small, handheld device that is capable of projecting a holographic interface into the air. The device is sleek and compact, and it is made of advanced materials that are lightweight and durable. The holographic interface allows the user to access a wide range of information and applications, and it is controlled by simple hand gestures. The device is called a "holographic assistant" and it is used by people in their daily lives to stay connected, informed, and productive.

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AIGC 的发展确实是一日千里,前不久我们还在赞叹 AI 绘画对行业的深远影响,认为未来人只需要专注在创意工作上,创意的实现可以交给 AI;但 ChatGPT 提供了另一种可能性,即 AI 可以直接辅助、启发人类的灵感和创意工作。

就今天文章内容而言,玩到最后会发现,是否有创造力的评价标准掌握在人类手上:我需要经常调整我与 ChatGPT 的提问方式,以避免它回答套话或者不够有想象力的内容,同时需要在画宇宙上做大量尝试以得到完美契合描述词的图片结果。

但毫无疑问,这些技术的出现,都证明了 AI 在创造力方面的巨大潜力。我们期待着未来 AIGC 技术的更多发展,并期待着它能够给我们带来更多惊喜和感动。你还想生成什么不存在的事物呢?欢迎留言告诉我们哦 ~



作者:倒立的 BOB

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