画宇宙  >  最新文章  >  AI生成教学分享,baptiste的关键词是什么


发布时间:2023-01-10 10:20浏览量:59364

本文介绍了baptiste的 ai 绘画关键词,并推荐了一系列相关的描述语、配图供读者参考



描述语:symmetry portrait of baptiste from overwatch, sci - fi, tech wear, glowing lights intricate, elegant, highly detailed, digital painting, artstation, concept art, smooth, sharp focus, illustration, art by artgerm and greg rutkowski and alphonse mucha




描述语:whimsical garden trellis by jean - baptiste monge and greg rutkowski




描述语:wide angle view, a beautiful digital painting of a fairy house by a stream made of rocks and mushrooms, flowers, beautiful tranquil day, by greg rutkowski, brian froud, marc simonetti, jean - baptiste monge, and alphonse mucha, symmetry, complementary colors, ink illustration, trending on artstation

Prompt:广角视图,由岩石和蘑菇,鲜花,美丽宁静的日子组成的溪流中的童话房屋的美丽数字绘画,作者: 格雷格·鲁特科夫斯基,布莱恩·弗劳德,马克·西蒙内蒂,让·巴蒂斯特·蒙格和阿方斯·穆查



描述语:Beautiful renaissance tavern on a corner of a japanese renaissance seaside town, hyperdetailed, path, steps, rococo architecture, flowers, fantasy, snowy day, ethereal sky, picturesque, cinematic lighting, full moon, concept art, digital art, in the style of [ Eddie Mendoza, Jean Baptiste-Monge, Jordan Grimmer, Darek Zabrocki], unreal engine 5 --ar 9:16, CG scenario

Prompt:Beautiful renaissance tavern on a corner of a japanese renaissance seaside town, hyperdetailed, path, steps, rococo architecture, flowers, fantasy, snowy day, ethereal sky, picturesque, cinematic lighting, full moon, concept art, digital art, in the style of [ Eddie Mendoza, Jean Baptiste-Monge, Jordan Grimmer, Darek Zabrocki], unreal engine 5 --ar 9:16



描述语:Beautiful renaissance tavern on a corner of a japanese renaissance seaside town, hyperdetailed, path, steps, rococo architecture, flowers, fantasy, snowy day, ethereal sky, picturesque, cinematic lighting, full moon, concept art, digital art, in the style of [ Eddie Mendoza, Jean Baptiste-Monge, Jordan Grimmer, Darek Zabrocki], unreal engine 5 --ar 9:16, CG scenario

Prompt:Beautiful renaissance tavern on a corner of a japanese renaissance seaside town, hyperdetailed, path, steps, rococo architecture, flowers, fantasy, snowy day, ethereal sky, picturesque, cinematic lighting, full moon, concept art, digital art, in the style of [ Eddie Mendoza, Jean Baptiste-Monge, Jordan Grimmer, Darek Zabrocki], unreal engine 5 --ar 9:16



描述语:Beautiful renaissance tavern on a corner of a japanese renaissance seaside town, hyperdetailed, path, steps, rococo architecture, flowers, fantasy, snowy day, ethereal sky, picturesque, cinematic lighting, full moon, concept art, digital art, in the style of [ Eddie Mendoza, Jean Baptiste-Monge, Jordan Grimmer, Darek Zabrocki], unreal engine 5 --ar 9:16, CG scenario

Prompt:Beautiful renaissance tavern on a corner of a japanese renaissance seaside town, hyperdetailed, path, steps, rococo architecture, flowers, fantasy, snowy day, ethereal sky, picturesque, cinematic lighting, full moon, concept art, digital art, in the style of [ Eddie Mendoza, Jean Baptiste-Monge, Jordan Grimmer, Darek Zabrocki], unreal engine 5 --ar 9:16



描述语:Beautiful renaissance tavern on a corner of a japanese renaissance seaside town, hyperdetailed, path, steps, rococo architecture, flowers, fantasy, snowy day, ethereal sky, picturesque, cinematic lighting, full moon, concept art, digital art, in the style of [ Eddie Mendoza, Jean Baptiste-Monge, Jordan Grimmer, Darek Zabrocki], unreal engine 5 --ar 9:16, CG scenario

Prompt:Beautiful renaissance tavern on a corner of a japanese renaissance seaside town, hyperdetailed, path, steps, rococo architecture, flowers, fantasy, snowy day, ethereal sky, picturesque, cinematic lighting, full moon, concept art, digital art, in the style of [ Eddie Mendoza, Jean Baptiste-Monge, Jordan Grimmer, Darek Zabrocki], unreal engine 5 --ar 9:16



描述语:Beautiful renaissance tavern on a corner of a japanese renaissance seaside town, hyperdetailed, path, steps, rococo architecture, flowers, fantasy, snowy day, ethereal sky, picturesque, cinematic lighting, full moon, concept art, digital art, in the style of [ Eddie Mendoza, Jean Baptiste-Monge, Jordan Grimmer, Darek Zabrocki], unreal engine 5 --ar 9:16, CG scenario

Prompt:Beautiful renaissance tavern on a corner of a japanese renaissance seaside town, hyperdetailed, path, steps, rococo architecture, flowers, fantasy, snowy day, ethereal sky, picturesque, cinematic lighting, full moon, concept art, digital art, in the style of [ Eddie Mendoza, Jean Baptiste-Monge, Jordan Grimmer, Darek Zabrocki], unreal engine 5 --ar 9:16



描述语:Beautiful renaissance tavern on a corner of a japanese renaissance seaside town, hyperdetailed, path, steps, rococo architecture, flowers, fantasy, snowy day, ethereal sky, picturesque, cinematic lighting, full moon, concept art, digital art, in the style of [ Eddie Mendoza, Jean Baptiste-Monge, Jordan Grimmer, Darek Zabrocki], unreal engine 5 --ar 9:16, CG scenario

Prompt:Beautiful renaissance tavern on a corner of a japanese renaissance seaside town, hyperdetailed, path, steps, rococo architecture, flowers, fantasy, snowy day, ethereal sky, picturesque, cinematic lighting, full moon, concept art, digital art, in the style of [ Eddie Mendoza, Jean Baptiste-Monge, Jordan Grimmer, Darek Zabrocki], unreal engine 5 --ar 9:16



描述语:Beautiful renaissance tavern on a corner of a japanese renaissance seaside town, hyperdetailed, path, steps, rococo architecture, flowers, fantasy, snowy day, ethereal sky, picturesque, cinematic lighting, full moon, concept art, digital art, in the style of [ Eddie Mendoza, Jean Baptiste-Monge, Jordan Grimmer, Darek Zabrocki], unreal engine 5 ----q 2 --upbeta --v 4 , CG scenario

Prompt:Beautiful renaissance tavern on a corner of a japanese renaissance seaside town, hyperdetailed, path, steps, rococo architecture, flowers, fantasy, snowy day, ethereal sky, picturesque, cinematic lighting, full moon, concept art, digital art, in the style of [ Eddie Mendoza, Jean Baptiste-Monge, Jordan Grimmer, Darek Zabrocki], unreal engine 5 ----q 2 --upbeta --v 4












好啦,按照本文中的方法和关键词,一般都可以生成效果很好的画面哦~AI 绘画技术的成果将为人类的视觉文化和艺术创作注入新的活力和灵感,开创人类艺术审美新的境界✨大家快去试试吧!

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