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AI 绘画怎么画中国元素 IP?ChatGPT * 画宇宙 AI 绘画梦幻联动 - AI绘画每日一帖

发布时间:2023-01-09 19:43浏览量:38072

整体来看,大部分结果是比直接用中文概念生成效果好的,当然也有一些问题:一是部分概念是 ChatGPT 的知识盲区;二是一个深入人心的形象很难用简单几句话表达清楚;三是一些类比或者西方概念会对生成结果产生误导;四是生成结果不够中式,揉杂了很多西方元素

最近一两年,AI 技术在绘画领域取得了巨大进步。它不仅可以帮助我们快速创作出精美的图画,还可以模仿各种风格。但 SD、Midjourney 之类的 AI 绘画模型都是基于国外互联网图片数据训练得到的,对中文语境、中国概念理解非常薄弱。

那有没有办法让 AI 理解并生成中国元素呢?最近很火的 ChatGPT 或许能给我们提供一个曲线救国的方案。ChatGPT 拥有巨大的知识库,可以用详细的语言描述、解释中文概念。对于 AI 模型画不出中文元素的问题,能不能让 ChatGPT 对 AI 绘画模型 “话聊” 解决呢?

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孙悟空:Sun Wukong, also known as the Monkey King, is a character from Chinese mythology who is believed to be a reincarnation of a monkey. He is known for his physical features, including monkey-like fur, face, eyes, nose, ears, mouth, teeth, fingers, and palms. He has long whiskers on his face and two large tufts of hair on his head. He usually wears a suit of golden armor and carries a magical staff. He is often depicted as being arrogant, violent, and rebellious.


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女娲:Nüwa is a figure from Chinese mythology who is credited with creating the world and its inhabitants. She is often depicted as a powerful and wise goddess with great beauty. She has a slender figure, long flowing hair, and a gentle yet regal demeanor. She is often shown wearing flowing robes and carrying a magical jade tablet that represents her divine power. She is also sometimes depicted with wings, symbolizing her ability to move freely between the mortal and divine realms. In some stories, she is also said to have the power to shape shift, allowing her to take on any form she desires.


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太上老君:Tai Shang Lao Jun, also known as the "Old Lord on High," is a figure from Chinese mythology and Taoist religion. He is considered to be the highest deity in the Taoist pantheon, and is said to be the creator of the universe and the source of all knowledge and wisdom. He is often depicted as an old man with a long white beard and a wise and benevolent expression. He is typically shown wearing flowing robes and a tall hat, and carrying a magical staff or a book of wisdom. In some depictions, he is also shown with a halo or a crown, indicating his divine status. He is revered by many people as a wise and powerful deity, and is believed to have the power to grant health, wealth, and longevity to those who worship him.


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妈祖:Mazu, also known as the "Empress of Heaven," is a goddess of the sea and a popular deity in Chinese mythology. She is often depicted as a beautiful and powerful young woman with a kind and compassionate nature. She is typically shown wearing a flowing robe and carrying a pearl or a magical fan. She is also often accompanied by a pair of birds or dragons, which are symbols of her divine power. In some depictions, she is shown with a halo or a crown, indicating her status as a goddess. She is revered by many people as a protector and guardian, and is believed to have the power to bring good fortune and safety to those who invoke her name.


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太虚幻境:The Tai Xu Illusionary Realm is a mythical place described in Chinese folklore. It is said to be a vast and otherworldly realm, filled with strange and wondrous sights. The sky is said to be a deep and vibrant blue, with swirling clouds of every color. The land is lush and verdant, with towering mountains, rolling hills, and sparkling rivers. The air is fresh and pure, filled with the fragrant scents of flowers and trees. The atmosphere is calm and serene, with a feeling of peace and tranquility. Those who enter this realm are said to be able to tap into their innermost desires and unlock their hidden potential. It is a place of magic and mystery, where anything is possible.


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东海龙宫:The Eastern Sea Dragon Palace is a mythical location described in Chinese folklore. It is said to be the home of the powerful Dragon King, who rules over all the creatures of the sea. The palace is located deep beneath the waves, in the vast and mysterious ocean. The walls of the palace are made of shimmering pearls, and the floors are covered in soft sands. The halls are filled with treasure and riches, and the rooms are adorned with beautiful art and sculptures. The air is filled with the sounds of crashing waves and the songs of sea creatures. The atmosphere is grand and imposing, with a feeling of awe and majesty. Those who enter this realm are said to be in the presence of great power and beauty.


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阎罗殿:The Yama Hall, also known as the Yanluo Hall or the Yanluo Temple, is a place of worship dedicated to the Chinese deity Yanluo, who is the ruler of the underworld and the judge of the dead. The hall is typically located in a temple or cemetery, and is said to be a somber and intimidating place. It is often depicted as a large, imposing building with tall pillars and heavy, wooden doors, and is surrounded by dark and foreboding landscapes, such as mountains, forests, or swamps. The interior of the hall is typically decorated with statues and images of Yanluo and other underworld deities, and is filled with the sound of mournful music and chanting. Overall, the Yama Hall is a place of reverence and solemnity, and is associated with death, judgment, and the afterlife.


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八宝粥:Babao porridge, also known as Eight Treasure Porridge, is a traditional Chinese dish that is typically served during the winter months. It is a thick and creamy porridge, made with a variety of ingredients such as rice, beans, nuts, and dried fruits. The porridge is often brightly colored, with a mixture of red, green, yellow, and purple ingredients. The texture is smooth and creamy, with a subtle sweetness from the dried fruits. The dish is typically garnished with a sprinkle of toasted sesame seeds and a drizzle of honey. It is a comforting and nourishing dish, perfect for warming up on a cold winter day.


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煲仔饭:Claypot rice, also known as braised rice or stewed rice, is a popular Chinese dish that is typically cooked in a clay pot over a low heat. The dish is made with a mixture of rice, meat, vegetables, and seasonings, which are slowly cooked together in the clay pot to create a flavorful and satisfying meal. The finished dish has a rich and savory flavor, with a slightly charred and crispy bottom layer of rice. The texture is slightly sticky, with a mixture of tender meat and vegetables mixed throughout. The dish is often garnished with a sprinkle of green onions and a drizzle of soy sauce or oyster sauce. It is a hearty and satisfying meal, perfect for a cold winter day.


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粽子:Zongzi, also known as sticky rice dumplings, are a traditional Chinese food that is typically eaten during the Dragon Boat Festival. They are made with glutinous rice and a filling of meat, beans, or other ingredients, which are wrapped in bamboo or reed leaves and then steamed or boiled. The finished dumplings are elongated and cylindrical in shape, with a slightly sticky and chewy texture. The outer leaves give the dumplings a slightly earthy and herbal flavor. The filling varies depending on the region and the personal preference, but common ingredients include pork, red beans, chestnuts, and mushrooms. Zongzi are often served with a dipping sauce or wrapped in a banana leaf for added flavor.


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貔貅:The pixiu, also known as the pixi or bixie, is a mythical creature from Chinese folklore. It is said to be a powerful, winged beast that resembles a lion or a dragon, with the head of a dragon and the body of a lion. It has a long, curved tail and sharp, pointed horns. The pixiu is typically depicted as having a fierce and fearsome appearance, with sharp teeth and claws, and a powerful build. Its wings are said to be strong and capable of great speed, and it is said to be able to fly for long distances. Some stories describe the pixiu as having the ability to breathe fire, and it is often associated with fire and thunder. Overall, the pixiu is considered to be a powerful and benevolent creature, and is said to bring good luck and prosperity to those who possess it.

貔貅是中国民间传说中的神话生物。据说它是一种强大的长有翅膀的野兽,形似狮子或龙,龙头狮身。它有一条长而弯曲的尾巴和尖锐的角。 貔貅通常被描绘为具有凶猛可怕的外观、锋利的牙齿和爪子以及强壮的体格。据说它的翅膀很结实,速度极快,据说还能飞很远的距离。一些故事描述貔貅有喷火的能力,它常与火和雷联系在一起。总的来说,貔貅被认为是一种强大而仁慈的生物,据说可以为拥有它的人带来好运和繁荣。

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玉如意:A yuru yi is a small, circular object with a hole in the center. It is typically about the size of a coin, with a diameter of about 1-2 inches. It is relatively thin, with a thickness of about 1/4 inch. The yuru yi is typically made of jade or another type of precious stone, such as agate or quartz. It can be found in a variety of colors, including green, white, red, yellow, and black, depending on the type of stone used. The surface of the yuru yi is often decorated with intricate designs and patterns, which can be carved, etched, or painted onto the stone. The overall appearance of the yuru yi is elegant and attractive, and it is often worn as a pendant or carried in a purse or pocket.

玉如意是一个中间有孔的小圆形物体。它通常约为硬币大小,直径约为 1-2 英寸。它比较薄,厚度约为 1/4 英寸。玉如意通常由玉石或其他类型的宝石制成,例如玛瑙或石英。它有多种颜色,包括绿色、白色、红色、黄色和黑色,具体取决于所用石头的类型。玉如意的表面通常装饰有复杂的图案和图案,可以雕刻、蚀刻或涂在石头上。玉如意整体造型优雅迷人,常作为吊坠佩戴,或置于钱包或口袋中。

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琵琶:The pipa is a type of Chinese lute with a pear-shaped body and a long, fretted neck. It has four strings and is played with a plectrum, which is held in the right hand. The pipa is typically made of wood, with a wooden soundboard and a round, wooden body. The neck of the instrument is often decorated with intricate carvings and designs, and the strings are typically made of silk or nylon. The pipa is a versatile instrument and can be played in a variety of styles, from fast and energetic to slow and contemplative. It is often used in Chinese music, particularly in traditional and folk music, and has a distinctive, bright and piercing sound.


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一是部分概念是 ChatGPT 的知识盲区,比如太虚幻境是《红楼梦》中的场景,ChatGPT 不知道这个概念,把太虚幻境描绘成了一个大公园;

二是一个深入人心的形象很难用简单几句话表达清楚,一图胜过千言,千言难得一图。比如孙悟空、玉如意、琵琶,ChatGPT 的描述倒没什么问题,但生成的效果还是差强人意;

三是一些类比或者西方概念会对生成结果产生误导,比如 ChatGPT 说粽子是 “sticky rice dumplings”,结果 AI 直接按饺子去生成图片了;

四是生成结果不够中式,揉杂了很多西方元素,比如 “阎罗殿” 生成的图片大多看起来像教堂,“琵琶” 生成的图片神似吉他。

以前的 AI 学者总希望 AI 能 think out of the box,结果总是不尽如人意;AIGC 大模型则转变了思路:如果让 AI 学习所有的数据和信息,就意味着任何问题都是 in the box 的,AI 也就能从容应对了。但这个看似完美的解决方案有个致命缺陷——AI 能学习的内容是有限的,它必然会忽略一些数据和信息。

我们在 ai绘画是自己画的吗?ai绘画的作品是原创吗? 中有提到:互联网中更常见的内容 AI 会容易理解和生成,因为 AI 就是在这些数据上训练的。

“中国插画家 wlop 在互联网(尤其在国外)非常有名,网上有大量 wlop 的图片。所以很多 prompt 会加上 "by wlop",以期得到这种唯美的画风。而搜索 “罗小黑”,则没有相关图片,可以预见的,我们希望生成这只小黑猫就不能直接描述 “一只奔跑的罗小黑”,否则 AI 不会按我们期望地去生成一只小黑猫。这就是为什么 AI 理解天使、魔鬼之类的西方概念,但女娲、生肖、京剧等很多中国的概念不容易被生成原因。”

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所以在海量中文数据上训练 AI 大模型,就能让 AI 直接理解中文元素,这或许是终极的解决方案。纵观中文 AI 大模型,百度文心 ERNIE-ViLG 算是效果非常不错的一个。要试试百度文心模型,那就来画宇宙吧 ~ 一键出图,高效整理,更有海量灵感内容供你挑选,快来体验吧 ~

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作者:倒立的 BOB

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